Posts tagged with "2022"

Jeu de cartes PLANETE GENRE - BPW France
Addressing the link between gender and climate: generate discussion around different families coping with climate change.

A Van for Chernihiv - BPW Help for Ukraine
BPW UK and A. Leclercq have a fundraising campaign to acquire, equip, and transport from Bulgaria a van for the benefit of BPW Chernihiv, Ukraine.

Equal Pay Day Czech Republic
Equal Pay Day is a project whose main goal is to reduce gender differences in the social and working environment in the Czech Republic. Since 2010, repeated event.

Tutela dell'ambiente naturale dal punto di vista femminile
Il progetto vuole informare sulla tutela ambientale, perciò si inquadra nell'Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile n. 4 delle NU, "Educazione di qualità".

Kitchen Gardening - SC Agriculture Project
Project of the BPW International SC Agriculture 2021-2024 - BPW Lebanon - The project seeks to implant and maintain a permanent Kitchen Gardening. 'Provide your own food by working the land.'

Encourage women to stay confident and true to themselves. Training and development of skills after graduating from school and university.

Digital era woman
Grateful to Canva for granting us Licenses for Non Profit. This includes Canva Pro. Training is available for the business and Professional Woman. We are now able to add this offering to BPW Durban.

50+ Welcome
We aim to voice and promote the interests of people aged 50+ in Lithuania and to raise awareness on the related issues.

Programme WOMEN STAND-UP : "Support to women"
L’autonomisation socio-économique accrue de près de 1000 femmes. Et soutien et accompagnement dans leur réinsertion sociale des femmes incarcérées.

End Period Poverty "EPP"
This project seeks to engage the entire county on the education of Period, ending the stigma of having a period and providing pads to schools.

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