II Congreso Ciudades Transfronterizas Sostenibles

El congreso será evento presencial y virtual en Ceuta para fomentar la sostenibilidad energética y economía circular en Ceuta.

The conference will be held in Ceuta in septemeber and it will be the second conference about sustaianable cities in with borders in Spain. The first event was held online in 2020 and this will be the second event but this year in person. The roundtables are about sustainability in the energy industry and to reduce the use of carbon. The second rountable will be about circular economy and local businesses.

BPW Spain

Spain, Europe

Start of Project: September 8, 2022

Registration: July 2022


BPW Ceuta





SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

BPW Topics

5. Environment, Agriculture, Nature, Water

6. Health

11. UN, Partnerships, Cooperation

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