Integration of People with Disabilities - BPW Vilnius Chamber

To change the attitude of Lithuanian business people towards people with disabilities, to solve the employment problems of people with disabilities.


An event organized by the BPW Vilnius Chamber has been running various social initiatives for 4 years - for people with disabilities.

During the project, the traditional big/main annual social responsibility conference "Employee with a disability: (non)norm", organized by the club and other social partners, last year was held on October 20, 2022, in 2023. will be organized in November.

The Goal of the project is to solve the problems of employment of people with disabilities, to introduce new changes in laws, to encourage businesses not to be afraid to hire people with disabilities, to include them in the open labor market with their advice and examples, to organize social workshops in business enterprises, where business representatives and people with disabilities meet to share good practices, answer people's questions, etc.

The events are attended by: social service providers, business representatives, people with disabilities, representatives of ministries and other.

BPW Vilnius Chamber

Lithuania - Region Europe

Start of Project: 2020

Duration: more than 1 year

Registration: September 22, 2023


Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania, Public institution "Valakupių reabilitacijos centras", Labor Inspectorate, Employment Service, various organizations of people with disabilities, etc.



BPW Topic 4, 8

SDG 8, 10, 17

Short Video

Irma Spudiene during the National Responsible Business Awards event - "The most friendly company for people with disabilities 2022" - for voluntary initiatives, creating a favorable working environment for people with disabilities. Ministry of Social Security and Labor, 19.01.2023, for voluntary initiatives in creating a favorable working environment for persons with disabilities. (Long video)