Digital on Board
Project Leader
Zamperlin, Laura - Italy
4 Quality Education
5 Gender Equality
9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
BPW Topics
2 Communication, Media
7 ICT and Applications, Social Media
The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2018 has placed Italy at fourth position from bottom of the general ranking in Europe.
In November 2018 BPW Italy, by North East District, has planned and launched Digital on Boards project to support the awareness of digital needs among all the Members of BPW Italy.
The aims of the project are
- developing a new approach to digital field - standardization of all key processes
- saving time
- filling the digital gap
- increasing digital skills
Project Leader

Zamperlin, Laura
Project Leader,
Digital on Board
BPW Italy, Club Legnago
Italian, English
Laura Zamperlin. Italian nationality.
She works as monitor in compliance and regulation fields. She has a deep experience in corporate finance and sales & marketing for financial institutions. She is interested in ethical behaviors in business and no profit organizations and she strongly believes that women can play an important role in transparency, accountability and ethical models in society.
She cooperates with government institutions, schools and civil organizations to promote gender balance and to encourage and support women in all fields of society.
2013/2015 Chairperson of Affairs, Business and Technology Commission of North East District BPW Italy.
2015/2016 Auditor of North East District BPW Italy.
2017-2019 Secretary of North East District BPW Italy.
2018 Creator and developer of “Digital on Board” a plan to digitalize secretarial processes in all Clubs of BPW Italy.
Project Members

Lanzarotti, Marta
Project Member,
Digital on Board
BPW Italy, Club Bologna
Italian, English
Marta Lanzarotti Michelini is the BPW Italy North East District President (2017/2019). She has promoted S.T.E.M (Science,Technology,Engineering,Mathematics) for young members and the widespread diffusion of the New Charter of Girl’s Rights on the territory. She has also supported the gender medicine and women health and, in 2019, she has worked hard in order to found the new club of Cesena Malatesta.
She was BPW Italy President of Bologna Club and under her guidance many scholarships had been given to young female university students to support their research in many fields as medicine, economics, statistic, music, environment and literature.
She was a surgeon for many years at Sant’Orsola Hospital in Bologna, one of most important hospitals in Italy and during her career she was speaker at many international conferences and symposia on medicine field. She wrote and published many scientific articles.
She lives in Bologna city and she always promotes mentoring and European culture. Currently she is working hard to reduce digital skills gap in North East District area of Italy.

Mazzella, Caterina
Project Member,
Digital on Board
BPW Italy President, Club Ischia
Italian, English
Caterina Mazzella is currently the National President of BPW Italy (2017/2019) and she is an entrepreneur in tourism sector in the beautiful island of Ischia (Naples-Italy) where she lives. She is the owner of a company involved in planning and managing events on tourism field.
She has been a BPW Member since 1993. She is one of the founder of Ischia Club and after a path as President of her Club she became Southwest District’s President. Caterina, at National level, covered the role of the National Manager of the Environment and Tourism Commission (2009/2011), National Secretary (2013/2015), National Vice President (2015/2017) and now National President.
Recently she has promoted the adoption of the New Charter of Girl’s Rights, new paths for young members like mentoring and new technologies skills and she stands up against gender stereotypes in mass media communications.

Perrone, Fiammetta
Project Member,
Digital on Board
BPW Italy, Club Lecce
Italian, English
Fiammetta Perrone is currently the National Secretary of BPW Italy (2017/2019), she lives in the marvellous baroque city of Lecce (Italy) and she is a pedagogist and educator at Anti-Drug Department in the Hospital of Lecce. She daily treats childhood and youth deseases with a strong focus on drugs abuse, addictions, cyberbullism and all the related dysfunctions.
When she was Chair of Social Impact and Gender Equality National Commission (2011/2013) she launched “He for She” UN Women campaign and during her mandate as BPW Italy Southeast District’s President (2015/2017) she supported twinnings and facilitated clubs foundations.
Now she supports the Digital on Board project and gives a strong contribution to increase awareness and knowledge of digital matters among the members.

Feb 6, 2020
Digital on Board
Results and Data, XXXII National Congress of BPW Italy, Rome, 20-22 Sept 2019