Raise Awareness on Non-Violence Culture, Focus on Abuser
Project Leader
Bellini, Enrichetta - Spain
3 Good Health and Well-Being
5 Gender Equality
16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
BPW Topics
9 Peace, Poverty, Violence
Bearing in mind that we need to work internationally on these issues, we believe being appropriate to
1st - work on prevention and awareness of girls and boys in a pre-adolescent age, in order to prevent violent behaviour and the triggering of “victim-victimizers” dynamics.
2nd - in a view to “prosecuting and punishing” it urges to focus on abuser, moving the legislator and public opinion on the certainty of punishment and the removal of the abuser. Our motto “It’s him that has to leave”.
3rd – Get rid of violence- Create Centers inside the Public Structure for the treatment of men who mistreat women to provide a path to the change of violence perpetrators. It is essential to be able to change the behaviour of men using violence to solve the problems, making them aware that violence is itself a big problem.
Project Leader

Bellini Fornera, Enrichetta
PILOT Team Member, Project Leader
Rising Awareness on Non-Violence Culture and Focus on Abuser
BPW Spain, Club Valencia & Club La Spezia, Italy
Past President BPW Ticino/Switzerland,
BPW Bergamo/Italy
Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese
Enrichetta Bellini is graduated in Administration-Commerce and foreign languages beside postgrade intensive Management courses among them Emotional Intelligence and Transactional Analysis both in Switzerland and Italy. She started her professional advancement as secretary/assistant to the Company President up to Proxy, General Manager and Executive Board member.She has been for more than 20 years a well known International Executive of Swiss/Italian and Danish Companies manufacturing machines and complete plants for ciment industries including packers, pallettizers and automatic bag loaders. Since 2008 is offering tecnical and tecnological translations’service and contract management advise. She entered BPW in 1983 covering charges both in Switzerland and Italy. In 2006 she was elected BPW Europe Finance Officer covering the charge for two turns. She has been member of many national and international taskforces. In 2001 she has been elected Chair of BPWI Legislation Standing Committee. Currently she is chairing the Legislation Committee 2014-2017 for the second turn. Since 2004 she is the chair of La Spezia YOUNG BPW cup jury, adressed to BPW Europe YOUNG members.
Project Members

Canese Pravettoni, Pina
Project Member
Rising Awareness on Non-Violence Culture and Focus on Abuser
BPW La Spezia
Italian, French, English
Born in Rho (MI) 24 February 1945.
1963 AccountantGraduation. First job at the Banka Commerciale Italiana, Milan Piazza Scala.
1967 she got married , and moved to La Spezia . She entered the family business as an accountant, until retirement.
She has followed training courses as computer, bookskeeping, reclassifying balance sheet, personnel management , setting up the production system.
She has got two children, Barbara and Simonpietro.
She spent 3 years at AVO in the hospital and canteen for poor people
Since 2011 she hasbeen a counter volunteer at Irene anti-violence centre in La Spezia, afterhaving followed several training courses.
FIDAPA. BPW ITALY - main tasks
1987 Co- Founder of BPW La Spezia (BPW Italy)
1992 – 1994 Club President
1995 - 1997 Auditor in BPW Italy
1997 - 1999 President of the North-West District – BPW Italy
2005 - 2007 Club President
2005 Together with Marisa Sergi, Marisa Marino and Mirella Barbagli, she founded the BPW CUP AWARD being member for ten years of the relevant AWARD JURY

Langher, Giliola
Project Member
Rising Awareness on Non-Violence Culture and Focus on Abuser
Past President BPW Club Cosenza
FIDAPA Election Committee
BPW Club Cosenza
Italian, French, English
After having completed her classical studies, she graduated in Law, with honors, at the Messina University (Sicily). She practiced as a lawyer and from May 1995 as a Justice of the Peace in Cosenza within civil and criminal jurisdiction, from 2008 on as coordinator of the Cosenza District Office. In 2000 she become member of FIDAPA BPW Italy Club of Cosenza and at the same year she was appointed, representative of the legislation committee of her club. Subsequently, she was appointed member of the Electoral Commission for the election of the South-West District board and President of Cosenza. Chairman of the Electoral Commission and member of the Election national Committee, member of the District legislation Committee and head of the national Board of Trustees. During the Congress in Helsinki she has been elected as member of the BPW International, collaborating with the Chair Enrichetta Bellini. For the period 2014- 2017 she cooperated with the Chair Enrichetta Bellini as member of BPW Italy.

Otranto, Loredana
Project Member
Rising Awareness on Non-Violence Culture and Focus on Abuser
BPW Battipaglia
Italian, English, French
Profession and activities related to gender violence
2010-2017 – Clinical Psychologist- 2015-2017 Psychotherapist – Founding member of the Association “Nonseisola”(youarenotalone) and Association President
From 2014 to 2017 – Psychologistat the listening desk for victims of violence within “nonseisola” Association- Radio Castelluccio’s guest on gender violence themes
2012-2017 Reporter and organizer in several event on gender violence themes
2015 International Day violence against women – Event “Violence every 8 minutes”sponsored by Battipaglia Municipality –Let’s meet in the library discussions on violence themes
2017 Conference to raise awareness on obstetric violence
2016/2017 Psychologist and Trainer of the project on legality in the comprehensive schoolsof Salerno province – Moduleviolence against women.

Vanzo, Beatrice
Project Member
Rising Awareness on Non-Violence Culture and Focus on Abuser
BPW Club San Remo
Italian, English, French
Graduation in Administration
Labour Consultant, labour relations adviser, manpower and employment consultant.
- Principal owner at “Studio Vanzo” for 15 years.
- Court Consultant
- Tutoring and lectures in labour law
- Specialist professional advice to start a business
- Tutoring for female entrepreneurship
- Assistance during disputes between the social partners
- Advice to women workers: facilitations and rights, tools and means to maintain the economic independence of the working victim by the provisions of legislation
Entered BPW ITALY in 2011 and these were my offices:
2011 / 2013 Adviser BPW ITALY Sanremo
2013/2015 Finance BPW ITALY Sanremo
2015/2017 President BPW ITALY Sanremo
2017/2019 Past-president BPW ITALY Sanremo
2017/2019 Auditor BPW ITALY District N-W

Zamperlin, Laura
Project Member
Rising Awareness on Non-Violence Culture and Focus on Abuser
BPW Club San Bonifacio
Italian, English
Laura Zamperlin. Italian nationality, she speaks Italian and English.
She works as monitor in compliance and regulation fields. She has a deep experience in corporate finance and sales & marketing for financial institutions. She is interested in ethical behaviors in business and no profit organizations and she strongly believes that women can play an important role in transparency, accountability and ethical models in society.
She cooperates with government institutions, schools and civil organizations to promote gender balance and to encourage and support women in all fields of society
2013/2015 Chairperson of Affairs, Business and Technology Commission of North East District BPW Italy. 2015/2016 Auditor of North East District BPW Italy. 2017-2019 Secretary of North East District BPW Italy. 2018 Creator and developer of “Digital on Board” a plan to digitalize secretarial processes in all Clubs of BPW Italy.
Dec 1, 2020

Donne vittime di violenza, Fidapa Sanremo portavoce del progetto internazionale “Focus sull’autore degli abusi”
Women victims of violence, Fidapa Sanremo spokesperson for the international project "Focus on the perpetrator of abuse".
> Report on www.riviera24.it (in Italian)
> pdf of the report (in Italian)
English Translation of the Report of November 24, 2020 on riviera24.it:
Sanremo. "Focus on the author of abuses and violence": this is the title of the international project of Fidapa BPW of which the section of Sanremo is the spokesperson on the occasion of the World Day against Violence against Women that will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, November 25.
"Violence against women is an unacceptable and complex phenomenon," explains Beatrice Vanzo, past president of Fidapa Sanremo and current member of the BPW International Project Pilot. "While it is essential to intervene to support victims, from a prevention perspective it is also necessary to deal with those who commit the abuse. The punishment is not enough to stop acts of violence with concreteness.As a Federation, we aim to create centers within the public structure for the treatment of those men who have committed the crime of violence. The aim is to provide them with a path of change that increases their capacity for introspection and their awareness of violence itself".
Among the fundamental lines of the project, there is the request to remove the abuser from the home and not the other way around. "We need to reverse the trend - emphasizes Vanzo - Until now the woman, often with minors, has been forced to leave her home to go to sheltered and welcoming facilities that, however, in many cases have had the negative result of aggravating the psychological, social and emotional distress as foreign environments".
"We are aware that achieving certain changes involves great difficulties, but we are also convinced that together we can succeed. Just look at those regions and cities that have already worked to treat the perpetrators of violence and abuse differently than in the past and are achieving good results. Obviously, the change cannot be separated from a strengthening of relations between public and private contacts, both on the territory and at the national level. Everyone is talking about the fight against violence against women, but we need to take concrete action. Trying to deal with the problem from a new point of view can make the difference," concludes Beatrice Vanzo.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)