Good Health & Wellness for Women

Good Health and Wellness for Women


Project Co-Leaders

Baehrer-Kohler, Sabine und Rigassi, Daniela - Switzerland



3 Good Health and Wellbeing

8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

BPW Topic

6 Health



This project will support a balanced health and mental health perception and wellbeing orientation of professional woman. Basements are for example the concepts of empowerment, self-management, and the health belief model (HBM).

  • Providing information about BPW international projects and programs for health.
  • Creating awareness among professional women regarding health and mental health issues.
  • Providing professional women with input and competence regarding aspects of health &
  • mental health, and health factors affecting woman.
  • To support prevention of health reductions and promotion of health & mental health of
  • woman.
  • Promoting wellness in women across the lifespan.


Website / Social Media


Project CO-Leaders

Baehrer-Kohler, Sabine

Project Co-Leader,

Good Health & Wellness for Women 

BPW Switzerland, Club Baselland



German, English, French

> Mail

Professional Career

Managing Director

Dr. Bährer-Kohler& Partners, Switzerland. Own company in Basel/Switzerland for counseling clients with burnout symptoms and she provides training for companies and organizations in this context.

Invited Professor at Tropical Neurology and Neuroinfection Master, Mental Health, International University of Catalonia (UIC), Barcelona/Spain.

President of the Swiss Association for Global Mental Health. Member of the World Federation for Mental Health.

Member WHO- International Advisory Group for the Revision of ICD-10 Mental and Behavioral Disorders- IFSW.

Member WHO- Global Competency Framework for Universal Health Coverage/community 'Education Hub.'

Founder- Own scientific journal.

Reviewer of 9 scientific journals.

Member Editorial Boards:

- International Journal of Community & Family Medicine.

- Cambridge Scholars Publishing- Editorial Advisory Group Member- Neuroscience.

BPW Activities

Membership 2018 Business and Professional Women (BPW) Switzerland, Club Baselland

UN Representative WHO Geneva

Personal Information

Married, one daughter- 14 years old.

Leisure Activities/ Interests:

Horse riding, our dog, gardening, and painting with oil.

Rigassi, Daniela

PILOT Team Administrator

Project Co-Leader

Good Health & Wellness for Women 

BPW Switzerland, Club Baselland



German, English, French

> Mail

Daniela Rigassi is an economist and holds a degree in project management and teaching. She started as a teacher for German, English and history. She then continued as an analyst and programmer for an insurance company before changing into project and process management as well as consultancy for companies in the financial sector. She now works for an international printer company, where she leads projects for strategic national and international clients. Daniela Rigassi joined BPW Switzerland in 2005, where she is the club delegate on the national level. Since 2012 she has been a member of the taskforce of Leadership and Lifelong Learning and has been co-organising the annual pre-conference on cross-cultural understanding in Cairo. She has a strong interest in international and cross- cultural aspects in everyday life and business collaboration.


26. April 2023

19:00-21:30h, Baslerhofscheune, Brohegassse 6, Bettingen

Resilienz im Berufs- und Geschäftskontext

> Information und Anmeldung

Veranstaltung für Frauen mit dem Ziel, die beruflichen und persönlichen Potentiale von Frauen zu unterstützen.

Resilienz gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung, um dem dauerhaften Zeitdruck und dem zunehmenden Tempo unseres beruflichen Alltags ein Gleichgewicht aus innerer Ruhe und Stärke entgegenzusetzen.