Women in Trade - Dominicanas Emprenden

Women in Trade - Dominicanas Emprenden es una iniciativa para la creación de un Centro de Emprendimiento para Mujeres en República Dominicana (CEM), se trata de un centro de capacitación y una incubadora empresarial para las mujeres.


Women in Trade - Dominicanas Emprenden is an initiative for the creation of a Center for Entrepreneurship for Women in the Dominican Republic (CEM), it is a training center and a business incubator for women. The objective is twofold, on the one hand the implementation of a center specifically aimed at women who want to undertake and on the other a fundamental contribution in the construction of social and institutional capital of the country. This center will have services that attend with special emphasis to the particularities that condition the position and the condition of life of women in the country.

BPW Club Madrid

Spain - Region Europe

Start of Project: September 2019

Registration: March 24, 2019



BPW Dominicana

BPW Topic 4, 8

SDG 4, 5, 16