We Will Heal Together - Project for earthquake victims - BPW Istanbul, Türkiye, Europe
To offer emotional and psychological support to women who have suffered trauma due to the earthquake.

BPW Istanbul's Gender-Sensitive Mentorship Program - BPW Istanbul, Türkiye, Europe
Empowering Future Women Leaders: BPW Istanbul's Gender-Sensitive Mentorship Program

Member Project - Mara Mosca, Volunteers 4 Health Care Center in Nepal - Patrizia Negro, Italy
Mara Mosca, Volunteers 4 Health Care Center in Nepal - Patrizia Negro - Italy - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2023/2024 - Europe

Member Project - BPW Business Incubator - Carol Hanlon, Australia
BPW Business Incubator - Hanlon Carol - Australia - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2023/2024 - Asia Pacific

Member Project - On Life - The Children's University - Laura Pellicciari, Italy
On Life, The Children's University - Pellicciari Laura - Italy - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2023/2024 - Europe

Journée de l'arbre au Centre des Aveugles - BPW Akpakpa, Bénin, Afrique
Sensibilisation des élèves aveugles sur l'importance de la protection de l'environnement et sur l' utilité de la plantation des arbres. | Raising awareness among blind students of the importance of protecting the environment and planting trees.

Construction de dortoirs pour un centre des aveugles - BPW Clubs du Bénin, Afrique
Construire dans le centre d'apprentissage des aveugles de Cotonou des dortoirs pouvant prendre en compte leur handicap | Construction of disability-friendly dormitories at Cotonou's learning center for the blind

The Women of My Family Project - BPW Izmir, Turkey
This project is a collective literary project from BPW Izmir to "honor the women of our families".

World Environment Day - Hengchun White Sand Beach Cleanup - BPW Pingtung, Taiwan
Respond to environmental protection, keep trash out of ocean and do not litter.

2024 Women's Wellness Clinic - BPW St. Kitts
Bring awareness re services offered to women by health centres in St. Kitts-Nevis. Encourage medical screening/consultations as preventative measures.

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