Formation sur la violence basée sur le genre aux femmes du centre d'accueil et d'hergement aux femmes atteintes de fistule obstétrical et de prolasus

Cette formation a but de sensibiliser les femmes sur les violences qui leurs sont dues surtout celles déjà atteintes de fistule obstétricale


Sensitization session in the reception center and shelter of the South branch of gender-based violence for the benefit of women from Dydire Léo and banfora. Training given for the president of BPW Koudougou the rising Mrs Mounirou Kabré. The aim is to make those women already affected aware of the form and type of violence that they do and can do.

BPW Club Koudougou La Relève

Burkina Faso - Region Africa

Start of Project: 16 November 2019

Registration: November 19, 2019


Fondation Rama






BPW Topic 6, 8, 9

SDG 3, 4, 5