dinner@home is a charity tool for changing fundraising projects, starting in 2020 for IG Offenes Davos and "Limitless Hospitality"
IG offenes Davos has the goal of limitless hospitality and wants to integrate people with a difficult background moving from abroad to Davos as soon as possible. https://www.offenesdavos.ch/
Many BPW open their door on a voluntary basis to cook for their guests in favor of a charity project. The result is entertaining evenings, where BPW and interested women get to know each other better, more activity and cohesion in the club, culinary delights and financial support for a fundraising project.
Hostesses invite a defined number of guests, cook for them and host them at their own expense. The guests pay a predetermined amount (currently CHF 50.-) for the evening. The amount fully benefits the charity project.
The charity project is determined every 1-2 years. It was started in 2018.
BPW Club Davos Klosters
Switzerland - Region Europe
Start of Project: March 2018
Duration: permanent
BPW Topic 1, 6, 9
SDG 3, 4, 10